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 Care of Creation News & Actions 

Or I guess it is the handkerchief of the Lord,

A scented gift and remembrance designedly dropt,

Bearing the owner’s name someway in the corners, that we may see and remark, and say,  “Whose?”


– Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass

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Episcopal Postage Stamp Prairies is a movement to transform church yards into small prairies that send a message (thus “postage stamp”) about the benefits and beauty of native species. Currently, native prairie plantings can be found at these parishes:


  • Des Moines: St. Paul's Cathedral, St.Mark's & St. Tim's churches.

  • Emmetsburg: Trinity churc

  • Spirit Lake: St. Alban's church, 

  • Cedar Falls: St. Luke's church

  • Grinnell : St. Paul's churc

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Creation Stewards

Iowa Creation Stewards seeks to link people involved in water quality, prairie restoration, and similar efforts using local Episcopal churches as a hub.  Prairie is resilient and restoration efforts are underway on private farms, college campuses, suburban streets, and urban greenspaces.

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  • St. Paul's, Grinnell's new pocket prairie looks fantastic! In front and framing their historic building, prairie grasses and wildflowers already flourish. The educational​ sign is very cool! 

  • Cathleen Bascom is named one of three candidates for Bishop of Kansas. I am honored to be included as part of the first ever all-woman slate for Diocesan Bishop, along with two other stellar  candidates. Visit the Diocese of Kansas web-site for more information.

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