Care of Creation News & Actions
Or I guess it is the handkerchief of the Lord,
A scented gift and remembrance designedly dropt,
Bearing the owner’s name someway in the corners, that we may see and remark, and say, “Whose?”
– Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass
Episcopal Postage Stamp Prairies is a movement to transform church yards into small prairies that send a message (thus “postage stamp”) about the benefits and beauty of native species. Currently, native prairie plantings can be found at these parishes:
Des Moines: St. Paul's Cathedral, St.Mark's & St. Tim's churches.
Emmetsburg: Trinity churc
Spirit Lake: St. Alban's church,
Cedar Falls: St. Luke's church
Grinnell : St. Paul's churc
Creation Stewards
Iowa Creation Stewards seeks to link people involved in water quality, prairie restoration, and similar efforts using local Episcopal churches as a hub. Prairie is resilient and restoration efforts are underway on private farms, college campuses, suburban streets, and urban greenspaces.
St. Paul's, Grinnell's new pocket prairie looks fantastic! In front and framing their historic building, prairie grasses and wildflowers already flourish. The educational​ sign is very cool!
Cathleen Bascom is named one of three candidates for Bishop of Kansas. I am honored to be included as part of the first ever all-woman slate for Diocesan Bishop, along with two other stellar candidates. Visit the Diocese of Kansas web-site for more information.